Sunday, December 26, 2010

Office Space

I haven't written a new blog entry in such a long time, I almost forgot my password! Unfortunately, I haven't had much to write about now that I'm an adult and work full time. I miss my days of being a bum. I would really miss it if it weren't for the fact that I had watched every season/episode to date of mad men, watched all the new movies, and find myself hard pressed to stay amused. Alhamdulilah, I have been had the great opportunity to intern with PwC here in Dubai. It has been an amazing experience. I've learned new things, met new people, and learned that apparently the British have a bunch of different spellings and grammar rules than Americans. I can't wait till I no longer have to write colour, globalisation, realise, favourite, or mum.

My days in my cubicle are filled with hours of facebook and finding great recipes on As the intern, I'm usually left to my own devices till I am needed; which is fine by me. Some days my cubicle is my friend, sometimes I feel like its a dementor from Harry Potter and is literally sucking my soul from me. 5 days a week I sit down to the same sight: a cup of coffee, my company laptop, and facebook.

I work with such a multinational, multicultural group of people. Its like the UN with all the different faces and languages spoken. As the only American and only Libyan in my office, I find myself needing to represent both of the rich cultures that describe and define me. So I've pimped out my humble cubicle so there is no guessing or denying my background. 

Its all pretty dull but a priceless experience nonetheless. I finish the internship at the end of January and Insha'Allah will be home in March. That leaves the month of February to get back to being a tourist, finish up my Dubai ''to-do'' list and start the blog back up. Thank you to my loyal readers. Sorry its been so long. Good things happen to those who wait!


  1. Aww I know the feeling. Glad you are getting the experience though!

  2. Nice blog., keep it up :-)
