Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Adventures

Its has been over a year since I blogged last. It has been one crazy year, 2011 gave me a run for my money. I just went back and reread my last post and realized it was in January 2011. Little did I know that the next month my entire life would change. The revolution started in Libya and it was a tough, sad, frightening, exciting, depressing, blessed time in my life. The emotions of the revolution are ones I never thought I would experience and ones that I am likely never to forget. Alhamdulilah that is over and Libya is Gaddafi free.

InshaAllah in 10 days on June 23rd I will journey to a free Libya. I am a bundle of emotion. While this isn't my first time to Libya, it will be the most emotional and meaningful trip I'll ever make there. Like my Dubai adventures, I hope to document them. While I can only plan, I hope to travel to the different Libyan cities that made the ultimate sacrifices to ensure our freedom. I want to tell my story, the stories of the cities, the stories of those I meet while there.

I am excited to start blogging again. I missed it. That said, I would like to take a moment to remember my dear friend Kawthar (AllahiYarhumha) who passed away June 24, 2011. I remember her now because not only do I miss my friend every single day, many nights painfully so, but I remember her now because of her words of encouragement while I was blogging my Dubai trip. I will remember her as I write of my adventures because not only did she support my blogging but she was a supporter of Libya and a supporter of the liberation and freedom of Muslims&Arabs everywhere, especially in her native Palestine.

So here goes nothing. Another adventure and more blogging of Assia Abroad.

1 comment:

  1. you're the sweetest. i am excited for you.. and thinking of kawthar as well, I'm glad you mentioned her. love you lots.
